更新時(shí)間:2018-04-09 點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):2506次
1.1.1. Supplies needed for extraction in water 所需耗材
- 四氯乙烯(分析純,高濃度樣品使用)
- 正己烷(分析純,普通樣品使用)
- 125-ml Teflon wash bottle(125ml洗瓶)
- 100-ml stoppered graduated cylinder or Sample bottle graduated in mL (ie: 125-ml graduated bottles)
- Hydrochloric (HCl) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4)(dilute with water 1:1)
- pH indicator strips or pH meter(PH計(jì)或PH試紙)
- Silica gel anhydrous, 75-150 micrometers(無水硅膠,75-150um)Silica gel (無水硅膠)
- Glass funnel(玻璃漏斗)
- Whatman 40 filter paper, 11cm, or equivalent (40濾紙)
- Disposable polyethylene pipette or equivalent (一次性吸管)
- 100-microliter syringe
- 5-mL syringe (for use with prescription bottles and solvents heavier than water) 5ml注射器(使用四氯乙烯萃取時(shí)使用)
1.1.2. Considerations: 注意事項(xiàng)
- Make sure glassware for use in analysis is clean. Any residual hydrocarbons in the glassware and sampling containers will be extracted and added to the TOG or TPH reading. To check the glassware, rinse with solvent then put 60 microliters on the ATR crystal to test for cleanliness.
- Oil and grease tends to adhere to the surfaces it comes in contact with. Use the entire sample collected. Either mix the solvent and sample in the sample collection container or rinse the sample collection container with a portion of the solvent to be used for extraction.
- The mechanical details of the extractions are a little different depending on whether the solvent is lighter than water (hexane) or is heavier than water (Vertrel MCA) but in all other respects the methods are identical.
1.1.3. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) from Water for Solvents Heavier than Water (ie: Vertrel MCA)
- Pour measured sample into separatory funnel. Rinse the sample collection container and graduated cylinder with a portion of the solvent to be used for extraction. If using a graduated bottle with a septa cap, solvent can be mixed directly in the bottle without using the separatory funnel.
- Adjust the pH to less than 2 with Hydrochloric acid or Sulfuric Acid (typically 3-5 drops depending on buffers in sample).
- Add one tenth of the sample size of solvent to the sample collection container to rinse interior surfaces and cap. (With the 177-ml prescription bottle, it is convenient to collect 140 ml of sample and add 14 ml of solvent). Pour this solvent into separatory funnel containing sample or if a septa cap is used, the sample can be mixed and extracted from the bottle.
- Shake the separatory funnel or bottle vigorously for 2 minutes with periodic venting to release excess pressure.
- Allow the phases to separate.
- Place a filter paper in a filter funnel and add approximay 1 gram (1Tablespoon) of Silica gel anhydrous.
- Drain the solvent (lower) layer from the separatory funnel through the sodium sulfate into a clean container (10-mL graduated cylinder can be used). With the prescription bottle, invert the bottle so that the solvent layer fills the neck. Using a 5 ml syringe withdraw 45_mL of the solvent layer and deliver through the Silica gel anhydrous into a clean container.
- Eject 60 microliters of solvent extract using a syringe onto the center of the ATR crystal and select “Run”.
1.1.4. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) Extraction from Water for Solvents Lighter than Water (ie: hexane, pentane, cyclohexane)
- Pour sample into a stopper graduated cylinder and measure. Rinse the sample collection container with a portion of the solvent to be used for extraction. If using a graduated bottle solvent can be mixed directly in the bottle. Adjust the pH to less than 2 with Hydrochloric acid or Sulfuric Acid (typically 3-5 drops depending on buffers in sample).
- Add one tenth of the sample size of solvent to the sample collection container to rinse interior surfaces and cap. (With the 177-ml prescription bottle, it is convenient to collect 140 ml of sample and add 14 ml of solvent). Pour this solvent into graduated cylinder containing the sample.
- Shake the graduated cylinder or graduated bottle vigorously for 2 minutes with periodic venting to release excess pressure.
- Allow the phases to separate.
- Place a filter paper in a filter funnel and add approximay 1 gram (1Tablespoon) of sodium sulfate.
- Withdraw 45_mL of the solvent layer and deliver through the sodium sulfate into a clean container.
- Eject 60 microliters of solvent extract using a syringe onto the center of the ATR crystal and select “Run”.
- If the result is above the calibration range, see section 4.5 for dilution procedure or create/select a second calibration for the higher range.